Tuesday, July 15, 2008

All the GRANDS' at One Time

We were blessed this past Friday with all our Children and their families being at our house all in one day :). I was able to let all the grandsons fish and each one of them caught a fish -- however, they don't touch crickets or take the fish off the hook. I always thought that was part of fishing!

We had a great supper that night with grilled pork chops; potato, pea, & pasta salad. In other words we had pork chops with bunches of different type of salads. Kathy baked a wonderful lemon pound cake that would make your tongue slap your lips silly trying to get another bite.

With eight adults and six grandchildren in the house that night I would guess that OSHA would have fined us because the decibel level reached limits that would break most meters.

Saturday Kathy and I along with two of our little familes traveled to Canton, NC for a family reunion which was a great fellowship with family and more food than you could imagine. We brought Kathy's mother back home with us for a weeks visit - and of course to clean the house some while she is visiting.

I guess I had better stop now before I get in trouble.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Working for the Department of Corrections is certainly going to be a real learning experience. On Monday June 30th there was an escape at the facility where the Frame Shop is located. I received a call at approximately 2:50pm that day informing me that the entire facility was on "lockdown" and there would be no movement by any of the inmates. Now that does not sound like a serious situation, but since I get off at 3:00pm that is a very serious situation because I can't go home until the inmates return back to the main facility. After making a few phone calls I was allowed to walk the inmates, that work for me, back to the main gate at approximately 3:30pm at which time I was allowed to leave for the day.
The next day I was not allowed to get any of the inmates because the facility was still on "lockdown". However, everything returned to normal on Wednesday July 2nd.
After contemplating on this entire situation I have to admit that I don't really understand why you have a "lockdown" when someone escapes. Is that not like shutting the barn door after all the animals have gotten out?