We used to be a 3 dog family , but one by one they all got old and went on to dog heaven (or wherever good dogs go). We really enjoyed our dogs, but it really hurts when you loose them after having them for 15 or so years. Therefore, we made the decision that there would be no more pets in our family for that reason. What we did not count on was the fact that someone was going to send us a cat or two to keep us company. In December of 2005 a gray fur ball showed up at our house and we made the mistake of feeling sorry for him. We feed him and sent him on his way, and "his way" was to make his home with us. He adopted us and after days of a lot of deliberation and deep thought we named him
KC for kitty cat. KC has been a wonderful cat -- he comes home twice a day, demands food and then goes about his business of being a roaming cat. He will honor us with his presence in the house if it happens to be bad weather outside. We have only had to bail him out of jail once for $15.00, but he got sick while visiting there and it cost us another $200.00 to get him healthy again. WOW we sure do love cats!!

The sleeping giant pictured to the left is another story entirely! Kathy and I have been opening the gym at Northside Baptist Church every morning at 5:30am for the past several years (we just retired from that job last Friday). Anyway one morning last September this poor little cat was hanging around the church meowing like she had lost her best friend, and someone told us that she had been there for a couple of days. We could not quit thinking about her that day, because we just knew that she would get run over due to all the traffic around the church. That evening we make one of our many thoughtless decisions and went to the church to save this meowing cat thinking we could find her a good home. We could not find anyone that wanted a free cat or anyone that would even take the cat if we supplied the first year of food, so to make a long story short this cat also adopted us. Again after much deliberation and thought about what to name her we came up with the original name of
CC for church cat. CC does two things better that any other cat we have ever seen "Sleep and EAT". When you mix those two together what you get is one "FAT CAT"!!!
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