Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A Relationship with God

This morning I was reading an article in the April 2008 issue of Homelife magazine. The article was by Tullian Tchividjian (Grandson of Billy Graham) telling about his life. At the age of 16 Tullian dropped out of high school and his lifestyle became so radically disruptive that his parents had to kick him out of the house. He was escorted off his parents property by the police. With his newfound freedom he begin chasing worldly pleasure harder than most others of his age. He was living his life on edge, trying desperately to find himself through promiscuity, drugs, and alcohol, but the harder he pursued these things, the more lost he felt. One night, at the age of 21, he returned to his apartment after a night out, feeling emptier that he had ever felt. That night Tullian fell to his knees telling God that he simply could not do it anymore on his own and that he desperately needed God to rescue him. Tullian said that his life did not change overnight, but slowly and surely he begin to change from the inside out. He no longer wanted to be with the same people in the same places doing the same things, but he wanted to be with Christians; wanting to pray; wanting to read his Bible; and wanting to resist temptation. In this article Tullian said that "The problem between knowing about God and knowing God is a massive as the Grand Canyon. And that distance, that separateness, is something that must be resolved."
When I read Tullian's story I could not help but think how similar our stories were. We both were raised in Christian homes, we both knew about God, but we did not know God or have a relationship with Him. Thank God for His Amazing Grace!

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