Monday, January 19, 2009

Preparation For Tomorrows Blizzard in Columbia, SC

Columbia and Lexington, SC absolutely goes crazy when there is a chance of snow. The weather people are calling for maybe a dusting of snow here tomorrow, but as I write this schools are already canceling classes for tomorrow and several business have already said they will be closed tomorrow. Wow it is 47 degrees outside right now and there is no snow in sight, but there are already a ton of cancellations - go figure.

I had to go to WalMart today to pick up a couple of items and the grocery part was packed. I did not put two and two together until later, but people were there stocking up for the big up coming dusting tomorrow.

I will have to admit that it would be nice to see some snow here since we very seldom get any of the white stuff here in the midlands. So everyone put another log on the fire - get all cozy and watch our government waste millions of dollars tomorrow on a big party.

1 comment:

My Grandkids Eema said...

I know what you mean. This past hurricane season, our schools were closed for the next day due to an upcoming storm. The decision was made way too early in the day cause as the day went along, it was obvious that we would not be having a problem. The day of the school closure was a beautiful, sunny day. Kids had a ball. And this is not the first time it has happened.
There are times where school closure is necessary. But the decision should not be made too hastily.