On March 26, 2009 Kevin Varner (nickname "V Man") went to be with his Lord and Savior, and receive his reward for being a good and faithful servant. Kevin and I lived in different states with lots of miles between us so we really never became close, but there were three things that I knew for certain about Kevin.
1. Kevin had a passion about sharing his faith and he wanted everyone he came in contact with to know Jesus as their personal savior. 2. Kevin had a love for motorcycles and speed like only a few people have -- I don't mean that Kevin enjoyed leisurely riding his bike -- Kevin wanted to ride it at top speed. He once told me that he was clocked coming out of a turn at one of the large racetracks at 190 mph. 3. Kevin loved coaching & playing softball for CrossFire Ministries, and the big reason he enjoyed it so much was that he got to share his faith with other people.Kevin was only 37 years old, but he did more to fulfil "The Great Commission" than most people like me could ever dream of doing in their lifetime. Kevin went after lost souls just like he rode his bike --- with boldness and wide open!
Kevin will be missed by all of his family and a ton of people that he made everlasting friends with.
The following pictures are of some of Kevin's family and friends that rode their motorcycles to his service. There must have been 50 or 60 bikes there -- Kevin touched lots of lives!

I just found your blog. Kevin and I were the same age and diagnosed with the same type of cancer the same week. We met on the colon club. We were able to meet last May and it was a wonderful visit. I was wondering if you could email me those top 2 pics you posted. I would love to have a copy of them. My email is mpeters6@charter.net Thanks so much.
How sweet and sad.....
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