Today has been a very busy day and that is good, because when it is all over you know you have accomplished something. Nailbenders had their monthly community work day today and we ended up at the church painting for Jesus again....there are lots of rooms that apparently need to be painted at Saxe Gotha. Came home and helped Kathy with the housework ... not much help just mopped all the floors. Then it was outside for yard work like weed eating, edging, and mowing....I will be glad when Mr. Frost shows up and puts this grass in a dormant stage for the winter. We will be going over to Nathan & Wendy's this afternoon around 6:00pm for Joshua's 5th Birthday Party. They sure do grow up in a hurry.

Now for the Play Hard part. Kathy and I will be sailing out of Jacksonville, FL Monday on a 5 day cruise to Key West and Nassau. I plan on doing absolutely nothing except resting, eating and having a great time. To all of our friends that will be working this coming week we hope you have a great time, because we certainly will not be thinking about you. Love everyone anyway!
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